Can I drink tap water?

Det har blivit dags att presentera några av mina lärdomar från min helt nya karriär i cafébranschen.
1) Man kan inte göra alla glada. Det är förargligt, men mat är så vansinnigt subjektivt; ett stekt ägg är inte bara ett stekt ägg, Bacon kan vara välstekt, överstekt, knaperstekt. och alla verkar ha olika uppfattning om vad som är BRA bacon. Därför är jag tacksam att vi redan har flera stammisar. Underbart med stammisar! En lokal restaurangägare kommer varje dag. Ägg och Bacon, apelsinjos och så en cappuccino - som numera måste serveras efter maten. En ny rutin för som han sa "if I take it before I eat I realise I'm not (h)angry anymore" med bred franskkanadensisk accent.
Kommer säkert fler... Och så lite bilder från min och Malins resa till Isla Mujeres.
I've decided to take a moment to share with you some "lessons learned" during my new career in the cafe sector.
1) You can't make everybody happy. It's annoying, but the concept of food is so subjective; a fried egg is not just a fried egg, bacon can be well done, rare, medium, crispy, soft, chewy... and everyone seems to have different ideas about what constitutes GOOD bacon. Thank god for regulars. Regulars are just wonderful! Example; A local restaurant owner comes every day. Eggs, bacon, orange juice and a cappuccino; which recently is asked to arrive first after he finishes his meal. A new routine, as he said, "Because if I take it before I eat I realized I'm not (h)angry anymore" with his heavy French-Canadian accent. Put that on a coffee mug!
2 ) People are weird. There are those who show up in the middle of the busiest morning rush with the most absurd requests. Can you grind my coffee for me in your coffee grinder? Can I leave my motorcycle helmet here? I have a very large cake, inside an even larger plastic box, that I bought at Wal-Mart, can you store it in your fridge?And people who in oblivion decide to strike up conversation with me mid rush with questions like: How much do you think I should tip the maid at my hotel? Which Mexican beer tastes the best? What will the weather be like on Monday? Can you drink the tap water here? All this while I'm covered in sweat, trying not to forget the fourteen coffee orders I have not had time to write down, and carrying two very hot plates with steaming omelettes. Well... Eh ... no you can't drink the tap water. Really? But is it safe to shower then? A new customer enters and is seeking eye contact with me. Yes, no worries. I see... but how about brushing your teeth? Would you advice I brush with bottled water? And what if I open my mouth while I shower? How much is too much? A drop of sweat is dangling from the tip of my nose, threatening to season the omelettes.
To be continued, I'm sure... And to wrap up, some pics from Malin's and my trip to nearby Isla Mujeres.